Saturday, February 4, 2012

"On the wires....." 4th february 2012 - playlist

1. Astma - Astma14 - There will be a Mc Donalds
2. Renaldo and the Loaf - Bali whine - Songs for swinging larvae
3. The Hunches - Deaf ambitions - Exit dreams
4. Freshly wrapped candies - enemene-save my soul - Dark side of the white christmas
5. Stock, Hausen and Walkman - Even - Oh my bag!
6. Hey Collossus - Fire up the tambourine - Happy birthday
7. Blues Control - Good morning - Local flavour
8. Trashorama radio spots - Helles Belles - Trashorama radio spots vol.2
9. The Doo-Dooettes - The immense depths - Think space
10. Kraftwerk - Intermission - Radioactivity
11. Black Pus - Jazzercise 2005 - S/T
12. D-1780 - Johhny Jerusalem - Osaka international pirate radio V/A
13. Wildman Fischer - The leaves are falling - An evening with...
14. Renaldo and the Loaf - Lime jelly grass - Songs for swinging larvae
15. Acid eater - LSD - Virulent punk fuzz
16. Trashorama radio spots - The man and monster & the bloody vampire - TRS vol.2
17. Action beat - More hookey - Live @ southern studios
18. Ellen Fullman - Over and under - Body music
19. Chrome - Pharoah chromium -Alien soundtracks
20. Indignant senility - Plays Wagner 9 - Plays Wagner part 1
21. Melvins - Pink concrete/revolution M (David Scott Stone remix) - Chicken ranch
22. Trashorama radio spots - Sadismo - TRS vol.3
23. Mutators - Son lover - Kill me
24. David Lynch - Speed Roadster - Crazy clown time
25. Lamborghini crystal - Suicide hotline - Dial 747 creepozoid
26. Trashorama radio spots - The teenage psycho meets bloody mary - TRS vol.2
27. Wildman Fischer - Think of me when your clothes are off - An evening with...
28. Part chimp - Tomorrow midnight - Thriller
29. Pink reason - Up the sleeve - Cleaning the mirror
30. Amanda Handel & GL Seiler - Verdant somnolence - Ghosts and angels
31. Royal Trux - Walking machine - S/T
32. Crass - Angela Rippon - Best before.....1984

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